

Real-world LCD Projector Prices from BuyerZone Buyers

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We regularly survey BuyerZone users to ask how their purchases went. We've used their responses to provide a sampling of actual prices paid for LCD projectors. When available, we've included the model name or number so you can look up the detailed specs on a given projector.

Among the many factors that influence LCD projector pricing, two of the most significant are brightness and weight. The brighter and lighter the projector, the more you can expect to pay. We've added the rated brightness (in ANSI lumens, the industry standard for measuring brightness) and projector weight to each response.

We've divided the responses into two categories - those projectors under seven pounds and those over. While the smallest portable projectors are around two or three pounds, those under seven pounds are still designed for traveling presentations.

Unfortunately, we didn't get any quotes from our users on pricing for the largest projectors: fixed-installation equipment that gets permanently installed in an auditorium or conference room. In general, those types of units can go from $4,000 to $10,000.

Prices for LCD projectors over 7 pounds

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Prices for LCD projectors under 7 pounds

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Want more information on choosing a LCD Projector? Read our LCD Projectors Buyer's Guide.

Information was provided by BuyerZone users. Quotes have been edited for clarity only.

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