
Retail Insights

Expert Advice from Real Retail Professionals

February 2013

Our Contributors:

Joe Keenan Joe Keenan

Joe Keenan is the managing editor of Retail Online Integration and eM+C, two B-to-B trade publications.

Gilon Miller Gilon Miller

Gilon Miller is a VP and Chief Marketing Officer at Upstream Commerce, a leader in Pricing Intelligence solutions for retailers.

The General Store The General Store

Donna Crichlow is the Director of Sales for The General Store, a POS system company that specializes in systems for retailers in Florida and nationwide. For more information, contact The General Store directly: (866) 576-1592

David Rich David Rich

David Rich currently serves as CEO at ICC/Decision Services, a customer experience management organization working with retail chains around the globe. If you are interested in improving your customer's experience, contact ICC/Decision Services for a free trial.

Industry insights are experts within the retail industry who have experience across broad or focused areas of their industry. Each week our expert columnists will share their insights and advice on popular retail topics such as technology trends, seasonal shopping, customer satisfaction tips, and more!

Achieving Profitability through Retail Assortment Optimization

Assortment intelligence and planning solutions can help retailers better understand which categories are delivering the highest margins. Industry Insights' columnist Gilon Miller explains what to look for.Mar 29, 2013

The Future of Mobile Payments

Mobile payment is predicted to be a big retail trend this year. Big-name retailers such as Wal-Mart & Starbucks have already initiated mobile payment programs but should you? Industry Insights' columnist, Joe Keenan, offers his opinion.Mar 25, 2013

Cash Register vs. POS System: Which is Better?

Buying a cash register can save you money but POS systems offer more features. Buying expert Donna Crichlow explains the pros and cons of both solutions.Mar 18, 2013

7 Retailer Secrets to Pricing Right & Profiting More

Find out how retailers can meet customers' needs and still make a profit. Industry Insights' columnist Gilon Miller explains how.Mar 11, 2013

How to Find the Right POS System Reseller for Your Business

Buying expert Donna Crichlow explains how retailers should separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to finding the best POS system reseller.Mar 7, 2013

Six Ways Retailers Can Combat Showrooming

Smartphones have introduced consumers to a new way of shopping: showrooming. Industry Insights' columnist Joe Keenan lists six strategies retailers can apply to combat the new trend.Feb 28, 2013

The Inside Scoop on Retail POS System Prices

Buying expert Donna Crichlow explains POS system costs and prices so retailers know what to expect.Feb 25, 2013

POS System Buying Advice for New Store Owners

First-time retailers know to look for a POS system designed for their retail stores. Buying expert Donna Crichlow shares what to look for in a retail point of sale solution.Feb 19, 2013

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