Turnkey Direct Mail Advertising: A Custom Fit for Your Business
Turnkey direct mail advertising is a great way to reach potential customers. This approach to advertising targets a select demographic with your company's marketing message. A reputable turnkey is equipped to manage every aspect of your campaign, analyzing your business needs and developing a strategy to get results.

Contrary to popular belief, print advertising is not dead. Andy Pontin, CEO of Clemenger Proximity, in a recent
When turnkey advertising works
Turnkey advertising is only as effective as the sum of its parts. An advertising program that has been created and tested by experienced professionals, will likely yield the results you seek for your business. A program that is familiar with the key components of running a successful ad campaign, and a focus on your needs and interests will prove to be your best choice.
Benefits of turnkey advertising include customization; from creating postcards to complex letters, the vendor you choose will should have specialized design and printing equipment to customize your job. A professional knowledge of design, along with state-of -the-art equipment will help create a lasting impression for your unique, personalized direct mail ad campaign.
What to avoid:
- Contracts. Avoid being signing a lengthy contract. If your direct mail campaign doesn't give you the results you expect, you will end up paying more than you should.
- Junk Mail. Your prospective clients may be inundated with junk mail in their mailbox. Unfortunately, your well thought out campaign may never reach them
- Fancy Pricing. Your turnkey direct mail advertising campaign may be skilled at creating amazing mailing pieces, but if the price tag exceeds your budget, your time and money have been wasted.
Depending on the type of mailers you choose, your direct mail campaign can range from .75 cents apiece and up. Turnkey direct mail prices are competitive and always negotiable. The more pieces you order, the more leverage you will have in locking in a great price.
Turnkey direct mail advertising is an approach that is still effective today. Benefits of the mailing approach include increase in brand awareness by recipients, ability to target specific demographics, and creation of a custom product to represent your company.
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