Average Costs of Storage Trailers for Rent
Run out of space? You'e not alone. In response, storage trailer rentals have become one of most cost-effective solutions. Equally prized for their simplicity and convenience, they're delivered right to your location, often within a single business day, and provide a safe, secure place to store extra merchandise, seasonal fixtures and decor, equipment, and just about anything else that would normally clutter your warehouse or sales floor.
But depending on a number of deciding factors, what you'll pay for that trailer will definitely vary.

Unless you have a large business and plan on incorporating storage trailers into your operation either permanently or on a long-term basis, renting is almost always the most affordable option. Costs range depending on size and interior customizations like windows or temperature control, as well as the length of the lease.
Types of storage trailers for rent
The type of storage trailer you select will be determined by what you'll be storing. There are three main types available:
- Standard storage containers - A standard storage container is a cargo container, typically measuring 8 feet x 20 feet or 8 feet x 40 feet. This bare-bones solution is dropped and secured in one location. It sits directly on the ground, or raised slightly on railroad ties or cinder blocks, until it's no longer needed and is removed from your premises. Expect to pay rental fees starting around $95 per month for a basic 20-foot model, and as much as $275 to $300 for the 40' variety.
- Road trailers - A road trailer is basically a DOT certified storage trailer on wheels (similar to the countless trailers you've seen barreling down the highway hitched to a semi-trailer truck). The big plus here is that it has the ability to be easily transported from one site to another. This model is ideal for a business with more than one location or satellite operations that share resources. It's worth noting that some quality vendors provide 24-hour roadside assistance if the container gets a flat tire or otherwise breaks down during transport from one location to another. Depending on your geographic location, you can expect to pay rental fees that start around $125 per month and go as high as $700. It's worth noting that some providers will also allow you to rent by the day or week as well, with costs running about $65 and $225 respectively.
- City trailers - Basically a smaller variety of a road trailer, this options measures around 42 feet in length and about 12 feet high. These smaller dimensions make it well suited to easy transportation through crowded city streets, tunnels, and over bridges. Similar to a standard DOT certified road trailer, you can expect to pay rentals starting around $125 a month and going as high as $840. Again, you may have the option of daily or weekly rates averaging $75 and $260 respectively.
Delivery and setup considerations
Delivery is simple and available within a day or two at most locations within the United States. But before you place your order, give some thought to where it will be delivered. Storage trailers need an area where they won't impede the operations of the business, including deliveries, customer will-call, waste pickup, and other city services that require routine access by providers or maintenance personnel. Also, be sure to allow for the length of the trailer as well as extra room to allow the truck to drop off and pick up the trailer without obstructions or hassles.
Regardless of the type of trailer you select, there are some basic requirements that must be met. Just about any trailer can be stored anywhere as long as the location is level. A concrete pad is preferred although a gravel lot and level dirt slab are also usually acceptable as long as the ground is stable.
If you have any questions related to whether or not your location can accommodate a trailer, and which size will work best, a quality dealer will often be able to walk you through the process over the phone. And for larger orders requiring multiple trailers, many storage trailer dealers will be willing to visit your location if they're reasonably close. So you may want to add a little extra weight to dealers in your area when making your decision.
Off-site storage for cargo trailers
If you don't have room for a storage trailer but still want to integrate one or more into your operation, larger dealers will offer "yard storage." With leases that start around one week and extend for years, this service enables you to fill the trailer at your location, have it picked up when full, and stored on the dealer's lot - ideal for a work in progress with materials intended for future production or large completed orders not ready for shipping yet.
But unlike storing a trailer at your location, this option is considerably pricier. Per-day charges are common and run from $10 to $80 per space, depending on the vendor, their location, how much space they have available, and the duration of the lease.
Transportation and miscellaneous fees
Expect to pay for both drop-off and pick-up, with fees (each way) that run between $75 and $200. In most cases, these fees also apply if you need the container repositioned around your location. So choose your spot carefully and in a centralized location for all those who will be using it.
In addition, some providers require a security deposit of $500 to cover any damage to the container. They may also assess a "cleaning fee" between $25 and $100 if the container or trailer is picked up without having been cleaned - a fee that's taken out of the security deposit.
Finally, many providers assess separate fees for the rental of a container and its storage. While the rent may be $125 to $175 per month, it will also cost an additional $100 plus per month for storage, with the actual cost depending on your location, accessibility, contract term, and security requirements.
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