Forklift Trends & Insights
We see thousands of forklift buyers every month using our service - and they provide some great data on what types of lifts are the most popular and how the industry is changing. Here's a look at some forklift buying data that might help you decide exactly which one is right for your business.

What can we learn from this data?
The most common type of forklift for BuyerZone users is a used sit-down rider with less than 5,000 lbs capacity and running on LPG. This tells us a few things.
- BuyerZone users are interested in saving money - and that's not news to us: you're a smart bunch. As with cars, buying used is a smart way to save money on a forklift purchase. Do take reasonable precautions to make sure you don't get stuck with a lemon and you'll probably save thousands of dollars on your initial purchase.
- Second, the choice of liquid propane is another economical choice. LPG is usable indoors and out, and while hourly operating costs aren't quite as cheap as electric forklifts, you'll save quite a bit on the initial purchase. Also, with LPG lift trucks, refueling is generally quick and painless, in contrast to the labor-intensive job of switching out a battery in an electric truck.
- Buyers aren't as unified in their tire preferences. A sizable chunk don't know what type of tires to choose. The decision making process here should focus on a couple of things: what type of surface you'll be operating on and how important a smooth ride is.
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