Related Articles & Advice
Real-world factoring rates from BuyerZone buyers
We regularly survey BuyerZone users to ask how their purchases went. We've used their responses to provide a sampling of actual costs and rates for accounts receivable factoring.
How Medical Factoring Works
When clients and customers don't pay their bills on time and payroll and other big expenses are due, it's easy for health care businesses to get stuck in a short-term cash crunch. Having too many accounts tied up in receivables can put a business at a disadvantage, but obtaining a loan isn't the only option for fixing these circumstances.
Choose the Best Factoring Company
When your business is facing a short-term financial crunch, factoring can be a useful way to turn outstanding invoices into ready cash. However, choosing the wrong factoring company can lead to headaches, dissatisfied customers, and worse.
Using Freight Factoring Services for Immediate Cash
If you own a freight or shipping business, you've likely encountered problems with collecting funds you were owed. Some of your clients may not pay their invoices one to two months after you send them while others may try to avoid paying altogether.
Additional Factoring Articles
Squashing the Fears about Invoice Factoring
Invoice factoring is not something to fear. Factoring has many benefits for business, such as quick access to cash and freeing up management time.