Tennant Burnishers and Floor Machines

Scrub, polish, and strip almost any floor, including uneven surfaces, with Tennant's burnishers and single disc machine. Count on Tennant commercial burnishers and industrial floor machines for durability and versatility in almost any environment.

This battery powered rider burnisher provides quality performance with more standard features, burnishing large and small areas quickly and easily.

This high speed floor burnisher with dust control polishes floors with a 2,000 rpm pad rotation and simple controls.
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This high speed floor burnisher cleans floors with a 1,600 rpm pad rotation for the ultimate high gloss finish.

This family of durable Floor Machines burnishers includes dual speed and single speed options to polish, scrub, and strip floors with easy-to-use controls.

These battery powered floor burnishers with dust control polish and give your environment professional image floors.
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