The Best B2B Blogs of 2012
The business-to-business (B2B) world is all about businesses helping each other: business owners making connections, deals, sales and of course, relationships. And we should know - BuyerZone is a B2B company that helps businesses make smart purchases and build relationships with the vendors they need.
However, B2B methods are constantly changing and it's important to keep up with the times. To help you know where to look for info, we've highlighted 15 great B2B blogs. We've ranked the list based on the blog's content freshness, age, Twitter and Facebook following, and most importantly, their engagement with their readers.
Each of the following blogs provide valuable tips and expert advice on B2B hot topics, including lead generation, sales, lead nurturing, marketing, and more.
Congrats to the winning blogs!
#1: Fearless Competitor
Blog founder, Jeff Ogden, has a resume that stretches into next week. He's a professional writer, speaker, and the president and founder of Find New Customers, a lead gen company. Still, Jeff finds the time to make sure his blog gets new content every day of the week - and twice on the weekends. Jeff strives to make sure that his blog covers everything B2B-related.
I blog continually because I believe in sharing and helping others. In addition, with so much boring stuff out there, we need to keep people engaged. This is why Fearless Competitor publishes 7 days a week.
What one reader says:
What is unique about Jeff Ogden is his laser focus on providing value to readers though creative formats - both through text and his video shows. But what is most endearing about Jeff is his overall strategy, which is to always promote others so that readers/viewers receive a wide range of viewpoints and critical lessons. It keeps his content both fresh and different, while supporting us marketers and the overall profession.
– Christina “CK” Kerley, BoB winner
#2: Dianna Huff’s B2B Marcom Writer Blog
When it comes to her blog, Dianna Huff only focuses on the positive results her words will have on her readers. Twenty-five years in B2B marketing have given Dianna the experience she needs to confidently offer advice on B2B best practices, strategies and tips.
I've been writing on my blog since 2006 in order to educate small business owners about B2B Web marketing. My purpose is to give them easy practical tips they can put to use immediately in their businesses.
What one reader says:
As a consultant myself, I am always on the lookout for vibrant, practical and informative blogs that can deliver professional suggestions and also entertain. Dianna Huff's blog and professional consulting offer all of that and more. In her blogs, Dianna shares her experience as an established media consultant as well as her own experience as a person in business. Life intertwines and is Dianna's willingness to play the game of life to the fullest that makes her suggestions so powerful.
– Monica Magnetti, Life Coach at LunaCoaching.com
#3: B2B Marketing News
The Arketi Group stands out from the rest of the blogs because their blog is genuinely a group effort. Since its first post, the blog has been a collection of articles, ideas and real-life experiences shared by the team of writers. As blogs have become more visual, Arketi has responded, by including videos, webcasts and infographics.
Through it all we have remained true to our audience: the business-to-business PR and marketing professional. Today we have nearly 20 B2B marketers regularly penning posts for the blog. Solid and thought provoking content is what we aim to deliver.
What one reader says:
One of the best things about this blog is the amount of killer content - in blog, video, and podcast form. I love the weekly roundups - unlike many company blogs, it isn't totally self-serving; they share the best third party information as well. Definitely worth an RSS subscription or follow.
– Joe Shartzer, Co-founder of Nyopoly.com and Partner at SharenextMedia.com
#4: B2B Lead Roundtable Blog
Blog founder Brian Carroll has mastered the art of blogging. Brian and his team regularly provide best practices in sales, marketing, lead gen and other B2B topics. But what makes the blog great is the open invitation it leaves readers to engage on a number of other social channels. His blog not only acts a platform for B2B ideas, but also acts as headquarters for user engagement.
The B2B Lead Blog presents the most topical, relevant ideas and insights to help sales and marketing professionals – and their leaders – thrive in a continuously evolving marketplace. Today, the B2B Lead Roundtable Blog engages thousands of readers who are seeking the freshest, best information to help them drive the highest return on investment for their sales and marketing efforts.
#5: Savvy B2B Marketing
What do you call six women delivering great advice on content marketing, lead gen, marketing research, and social media? The Savvy Sisters. Stephanie Tilton, Kate Headen Waddell, Michele Linn, Heather Rubesch, Wendy Thomas, and Jamie Wallace are six businesswomen who each run their own marketing business. Their blog is a way for them to come together and share their own experiences as well as insights on B2B marketing, with the hopes that it helps their readers succeed.
The 'Savvy Sisters' met in the forums of an online summit where our casual camaraderie quickly grew into professional respect and then friendship. In March 2009, less than two months after meeting, we proudly published our very first post. Each week, we publish feature posts, highlight helpful resources for marketers, and point readers to our favorite posts from around the blogosphere.
#6: B2B Insights Blog
This blog was designed with the intent to engage. The professionals at Godfrey, a business-to-business marketing agency, wanted to create a space where B2B marketing professionals could participate in discussions about the industry. What makes this blog even more helpful is that real Godfrey employees are the writers behind it, delivering advice on issues they face every day.
“ ”In 2009, Godfrey launched the B2B Insights Blog to allow people with a passion for B2B marketing to express their ideas and have conversations. Regular insightful, entertaining, and informative posts talk about the latest new developments in B2B marketing, providing a human face to the company's image.
#7: B2B Bliss
This blog provides B2B professionals with tips on B2B marketing and public relations. What makes this blog unique is that the writers also offer their thoughts on B2B trends in professional services, financial services, and healthcare. Those areas don't always get much attention - making it an especially helpful blog for B2B professionals in those sectors.
We launched B2B Bliss in 2009 as a forum for our firm's thought leadership on B2B marketing and communication. We hope our readers find ideas and inspiration to reenergize their communication programs; whether it's tips for scoping your B2B social media campaign, strategies for building confidence and trust with clients, or insights on how financial journalists find stories.
#8: Branding Business with RiechesBaird
Branding a business is one of the hardest tasks businesses have to succeed in. That's why it's essential to follow a blog whose focus is on teaching business professionals how to do it - and Branding Business does exactly that. Blog authors Ryan Rieches, Ray Baird, and the rest of their team are great at regularly updating their blog with content professionals are talking about in real time.
Branding Business is about providing value to others interested in brand strategy and branding initiatives that drive business growth. It is a destination and interactive forum packed full of insightful content relating to brand strategy, brand development, brand engagement and brand evaluation. A business' brand is the enabler for their overall strategy and the strength or weakness of a brand can play a large role in the success or failure of an organization.
#9: Get There
This blog is run by Movéo Integrated Branding, a B2B and healthcare agency. For a small agency, the blog writers are proud to say that they have plenty of employees who are experts on B2B marketing and regularly contribute to the blog. The blog has been around for three years, but has recently been re-launched with a new look and approach, with the hopes readers enjoy it even more.
“ ”We started Get There as a way to share our knowledge about B2B marketing with others in the field and to interact with them as well. In addition to sharing knowledge, we also intend for Get There to be a forum for B2B professionals to discuss hot topics and things they are interested in. We're excited about the potential to both share what we know and learn from others through the blog.
#10: Funnel Focus
It's one thing to report the facts and cover B2B trends. However, it's often more helpful for readers to get experts' insight on these topics; and that's what Funnel Focus does. In each post you'll find insights and reactions to B2B topics such as lead scoring, customer acquisition, B2B marketing, and more. Furthermore, these insights aren't from just any blogger - they're from proven experts.
“ ”Funnel Focus delivers practical B2B marketing tips to help you improve your demand generation results. Each week, we will offer best practices, practical experience, and thought-provoking commentary on how to better manage your marketing funnel and increase the flow of sales-ready leads. Our team, customers, and other guest writers will share techniques and advice on a variety of topics.
#11: Kranz Communications
For a B2B professional, it's hard to blog every day of the week on timely industry events. So when blog owner Jonathan Kranz does update his blog, he makes it count. Thanks to a strong background in writing, Jonathan does an excellent job delivering well-thought out and lengthy posts that will leave the reader educated and entertained on B2B topics.
“ ”I've written a huge stack of content, advertising, direct marketing, and public relations materials for consumer and B2B clients in financial services, banking, insurance, high-tech, healthcare, education, and other industries. As marketing strategy, I see my blog less as an effort to cultivate followers and more as search-engine fodder that might attract Googlers interested in the kind of work I do. Then, if and when they arrive at my site, I hope the content they read resonates. So far, so good.
Honorable Mentions
The following three blogs are ones that BuyerZone employees love and read daily. We enjoy how these blogs provide tips and advice that we can take away and apply to our roles at BuyerZone.
#12: RainMaker Blog

Favorite post: Do You Make These 10 Lead Generation Mistakes?
“ ”I read RainMaker because the contributing bloggers have a wide range of experiences, yet have all seen success in their professional lives. They have real, actionable tips to share with their readers based on these experiences. Their posts are thorough, well researched, and I always leave their blog with new ideas.
#13: B2B Bloggers

Favorite post: 3 Simple Ways to Differentiate Your Business to Attract Today’s B2B Buyers
“ ”Relating to buyers on more than needs and solutions is very difficult, especially through blogging and social media - but this blog does it. The content makes me think about things that I typically wouldn't and keeps me updated on practices I should try. I especially enjoy the posts on how to nurture leads, how to market content, and how to better relate to buyers.
#14: FUSIONb2b Blog

Favorite post: How to Test Advertising Effectiveness
“ ”I really like the Fusion b2b blog because it has posts relating to many different types of marketing as well as some fun ones thrown into the mix. The posts themselves are quick to read and easy to understand, making it more enjoyable to skim through the blog.
And the last (but certainly not the least) best of the B2B blogs is:
BuyerZone's About Leads blog!

About Leads launched in 2010, with a goal of spreading BuyerZone's message that online lead generation can help businesses of all sizes. We strive to give readers actionable info that can improve their overall marketing effectiveness - from detailed tips and tactics to awareness of overall trends in the industry.
There you have it! The best B2B blogs on the web that you should probably bookmark right now. Big congratulations to the blogs selected, and don’t forget to collect your Best of the B2B Blogs Badge!
Want to nominate your blog for a Best of BuyerZone Award? Email Sylvia Rosen at BestofBuyerZone [at] Gmail [dot] com.